List Of Jobs That Hire People With Agricultural Education

jobs that hire people with agricultural education

List of Jobs That Hire People With Agricultural Education- Agricultural education is a field of agriculture that teaches and educates individuals in different aspect of agriculture such as crop and soil management, farming techniques, animal husbandry, food science, agricultural technology, food science and environmental sustainability. Agricultural education is taught at primary, secondary and even tertiary levels of education. At the primary and secondary level of education, students are taught the elementary aspect of agriculture how growth occurs in plants and animals grow. At tertiary level (which includes vocational schools and universities), students are taught more advanced agricultural topics such as production, conservation, marketing, etc. In addition, college students carry out research in different areas of agriculture.

People that choose Agriculture as their major in college will take up agric-related jobs upon graduation. In the following paragraphs, we would be looking at the list of jobs that hire people with agricultural education.

List Of Jobs That Hire People With Agricultural Education

  • Agricultural Educator
  • Extension Agent
  • Agricultural Economist
  • Agricultural Engineer
  • Agricultural Research Scientist
  • Agricultural Science Writer
  • Agricultural Educator

1. Agricultural Educator

This is one the jobs for people with agricultural education. An agricultural educator teaches and educates people about agricultural practices and methods. Some of the job roles of an agricultural educator include:

Roles of Agricultural Educator

  • They educate individuals and groups on different aspects of agriculture
  • Carry out research to determine the best practices to apply in agricultural education.
  • They provide mentorship and training for those interested in pursuing a career in agriculture
  • Collaborate with industry professionals to ascertain that their educational programs are relevant to the industry and updated.
  • They gather and prepare educational materials e.g handouts, lesson plans, etc.

2. Agricultural Extension Agent

An agricultural extension agent helps bridge the gap between farmers and stakeholders in the agricultural industry such as agricultural educators, researchers and policy makers. They disseminate information , provide training to farmers and provide technical assistance where necessary.

Roles Of An Agricultural Extension Agent

  • Provide technical assistance to farmers in different aspects of agriculture.
  • Organize outreaches and educational programs to get farmers informed about new technologies, agricultural practices and also emerging market opportunities.
  • Build and maintain positive relationships with stakeholders in the agricultural industry
  • Carry out research to find out solutions to agricultural problems
  • Assist in the developing and implementing of agricultural policies and regulations

3. Agricultural Communications Specialist

An Agricultural Communications Specialist work to develop and implement communication strategies that would aid the promotion of agricultural products, services and programs. They create content, manage social media channels and develop marketing materials for the agricultural industry.

Roles Of Agricultural Communication Specialist

  • Create marketing materials such as flyers, posters, brochures to promote agricultural products and services.
  • Write and edit content for newsletters, websites and other forms of communication channels.
  • Work closely with other professionals in the agricultural industry e. g farmers, researcher, policy makers and others to promote sustainable agriculture.

4. Agricultural Economist

This is an interesting career for people with agricultural education. An Agricultural economist employs the principles and concepts of economics to improve agricultural practices.

Roles Of An Agricultural Economist

  • Offer economic advice to farmers and other stakeholders in the agricultural industry.
  • Monitor and analyze trends in the agricultural markets both internationally and domestically.
  • Provide technical assistance to farmers and stake holders to improve their economic performance.
  • Develop and evaluate policies relating to agriculture e.g farm subsidies, trade policies, etc.

5. Agricultural Engineer

An agriculture engineer applies technical expertise to develop and fabricate systems, tools and machineries that makes agricultural production more effective and simplified.

Roles Of An Agricultural Engineer

  • Carry out research to develop new methods and technologies that can help improve agricultural productivity.
  • Train farmers and other personnels in the agricultural industry how to use modern tools and technologies to improve agricultural practices.
  • Develop and design systems that can be used to manage agricultural wastes
  • Fabricate new tools and machineries that will maximize production. Examples of such include ridgers, planters, tractors, etc,

6. Agricultural Research Scientist

This is another good career path for people with agricultural  education. They work to formulate new and improved techniques for their agicultural practices such as animal husbandry, crop cultivation, processing, etc.

Roles of Agricultural Research Scientist

  • Carry out experiments to formulate new varieties of plants or animal breed that can resist pest and diseases and also yield maximum output.
  • Develop and test new techniques for agricultural practices that can bring about optimal productivity on the farm.
  • Work closely with stake holders in the agricultural industry to create policies that can can promote food security and sustainable agriculture.
  • They work to improve the quality and shelf life of food through processing methods that are innovative and unique.

7. Agricultural Science Writer

The job role of an agricultural science writer is one of the career path for people with agricultural education. As an Agricultural science writer, you will be writing a lot of articles related to agriculture. You will be writing for scientific journals, research institutes and other agricultural publications. However, to work in this role, you must have a good background in science with strong writing skills and excellent communication skills.

Roles Of Agricultural Science Writer

  • Writing of agric-related articles
  • Carry out scientific research in different areas of agriculture
  • They research and interview agricultural experts to gather materials for their write-ups.
  • Edit and review scientific content
  • They promote their publications through social media and some other marketing channels.

Importance of Agricultural Education

Here are some of the reasons agricultural education is highly important.

1. It ensures food security

With agricultural education, farmers can apply modern tools and technologies in their practices. This leads to higher productivity, higher yield and reduction in losses. In the end, food security is ensured for the increasing population.

2. Brings about development in rural areas

Most developing countries in the world rely on agriculture to enhance their economy. Agricultural education brings about development to the rural areas by making jobs available and also increasing the standard of living of farmers and their dependents.

3. Ensures a safer environment

One of the topic being emphasized in agricultural education is sustainable agricultural practices, which help reduce the negative effect  of agriculture in the environment. Some of these negative impact include water pollution, deforestation, soil degradation, etc.

4. Agricultural education promotes food safety

With agricultural education , farmers can now produce food  of high nutritious value and safe for the public to consume.

5. Brings about innovation

Agricultural education can bring about innovation. With agricultural education, farmers acquire new skills and technologies that can increase productivity and promote sustainability.

Other Jobs That Hire People With Agricultural Education

  • Farm Manager
  • Horticulturist
  • Soil Scientist
  • Fish farm manager
  • Agricultural consultant
  • Forest/ woodland manager
  • Plant breeder/geneticist
  • Young farmer instructor
  • Agricultural science teacher for high school
  • Agricultural program coordinator


Agricultural education is of immense benefit to the society. It ensures food security, food safety , better income for farmers and economic development to the society. Some of the jobs that hire people with agricultural education include: Agricultural extension agent, Agricultural educator, Agricultural engineer, Agricultural science writer and others.

Frequently Asked Questions

What  job can an individual with education in Agriculture do?

With education in Agriculture, you can work in any of these job roles:
Farm Manager
Soil Scientist
Fish farm manager
Agricultural consultant
Forest/ woodland manager
Plant breeder/geneticist
Young farmer instructor
Extension agent
Agricultural science teacher for high school
Agricultural program coordinator

An agricultural worker is also known as what?

Farm hand
Agricultural laborer
Migrant worker

What are the various kinds of agricultural education?

Agricultural education is in 3 categories: Livestock education, Crop production and Agro-business/ entrepreneurship.

What are the objectives of agricultural education?

In agricultural education, students have the opportunity to acquire agricultural knowledge and skills. Agricultural education is available in high schools, colleges and universities.

What are some of the challenges of Agricultural education?

Some of the issues being experienced in agricultural education include:
Insufficient vocational training for personnels in the agricultural industry or even lack of it
Farmers that are not technology-compliant
Agricultural training not properly structured
Agricultural education being limited
Absence of agricultural training
These challenges listed above could result in :
Diseases in plants and animals
Poor agricultural production
Malnourishment of farm animals


  • www. indeed. com- 11 Agriculture Education Major Jobs To Consider Pursuing
  • www. wikipedia. com- Agricultural education
  • www. timeshighereducation. com- What can you do with an agriculture degree?- Time Higher Education


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