10 Best Tribe To Marry As Wife In Nigeria

Best Tribe To Marry As Wife In Nigeria

10 Best Tribe To Marry As Wife In Nigeria- Are you wondering on the best tribe to marry as wife in Nigeria? Then you should read and digest this article. Nigeria is a country with over 371 tribes. Trying to choose a wife among this large volume of tribes can really be a serious task. But not to worry, as in this article , you would discover the best tribe to marry as wife in Nigeria.

10 Best Tribe To Marry As Wife In Nigeria

  1. Igbo
  2. Yoruba
  3. Bini
  4. Igala
  5. Eket
  6. Itsekiri
  7. Esan
  8. Abanyom
  9. Efik
  10. Hausa

Igbo Tribe

The Igbos are found in the southeastern part of Nigeria comprising Imo, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu and Abia States. The Igbo tribe is one of the best tribe to marry as wife in Nigeria. Even though the bride price could really be expensive and capital-intensive, it can really be worth your while as a man. That is why you see some of those Igbo men in Lagos hustling and working so hard. Some of them work for years and save up money to marry an Igbo wife.

You wonder why all the stress. Well, here are some benefits of marrying a wife from the Igbo tribe.

Why You Should Consider Igbo Tribe To Marry As Wife In Nigeria

Igbo bride
  • Igbo women are hardworking
  • They beautiful and endowed
  • They are highly intelligent
  • They will treat your family like hers
  • They are good cooks ( no real man wants to miss this)
  • They can satisfy their husband well in bed

Yoruba Tribe

The Yorubas are from the southwestern part of Nigeria. They are fondly known as the “omo kaaro -oojire”. The Yorubas are very accommodating and respectful. Am so proud to be a part of this tribe. And I can proudly say that this is one of the best tribe to marry as wife in Nigeria. Lest I forget, some of our favorite meals include Gbegiri, Ewedu and Amala ; Pounded yam and Efo-riro; Eko and moinmoin. Let me stop there before you start salivating. So, let me show you quickly some reasons why you should marry a Yoruba woman.

Why You Should Consider Yoruba Tribe To Marry As Wife In Nigeria

Yoruba bride
  • Yoruba women are very respectful and courteous (If you have lived among them before, am sure you can relate!). Infact, they can almost kneel for a cockroach!
  • They are very accommodating and loving
  • They are very submissive to their husband
  • They are great cooks
  • They take proper care of their children and family

The list is inexhaustive, let me just pause here. One of the most interesting aspect of marrying a Yoruba  wife is that you pay almost next to nothing as bride price. We the Yorubas believe our women are priceless and no amount of money can actually buy one.


The Bini people are also known as the Edo people. They are majorly resided in Edo State. They speak majorly Edo language. Their local food is known as Bini Owo soup, a typical soup made from fish, palm oil and potash. When served with yam, cocoyam or unripe plantain, you will almost bite your finger. No only is their food delicious, their women too are worth picking as wives.

Here are some reasons the Bini tribe is one of the best tribe to marry as wife in Nigeria.

Why You Should Consider Bini Tribe To Marry As Wife In Nigeria

bini bride
  • Bini women are gorgeous (especially when dressed in those traditional wears and local beads)
  • When it comes to the kitchen, Edo women are not slack. They are good at making different delicacies
  • They are intelligent and caring
  • They are very rich in culture and tradition
  • Bini women are religious
  • Bride price is affordable


Igala is an ethnic group in Nigeria. They are located on the eastern side of River Niger and Benue confluence. Igala is the major tribe in Kogi state. The language spoken by the Igala people is called Yoruboid. Igala is another interesting tribe to marry as wife in Nigeria. I guess you wonder why this. Well, here are some reasons you should go for an Igala wife

Why You Should Consider Igala Tribe To Marry As Wife In Nigeria

Igala bride
  • Igala women are good in cooking good meals
  • They are intelligent , talented and industrious
  • They are not only beautiful, they are also respect and caring ( a combination of beauty and brains).
  • They are so rich in culture and bride price
  • They are very religious
  • Bride price for an Igala woman is not so much


Eket tribe is another interesting tribe in Nigeria. Eket people are found in Akwa Ibom state. Ekid is the main language spoken by the Eket people. Here are some of the reasons you should make an Eket woman your wife.

Why You Should Consider Eket Tribe To Marry As Wife In Nigeria

Eket bride
  • Eket women are very good in the kitchen, crafting nice delicacies for the family
  • They are highly domestic
  • They are caring and would take care of their children, husband and extended family.
  • They know how to satisfy their husband in bed


Itsekiri is a tribe in Nigeria that is closely related to the Yoruba tribe and Igala tribe. The Itsekiris are from the Niger Delta area of Nigeria (Delta state especially). And like the Igala, they also speak Yoruboid. You also get to find some communities of Itsekiris in Edo, Ondo state and some other cities like Lagos, Benin city , Abuja and Port Harcourt. The land of Itsekiri is the major centre for crude oil and natural gas production.

Here is why you should marry an Itsekiri woman.

Why You Should Consider Itsekiri Tribe To Marry As Wife In Nigeria

itsekiri bride 1
  • Itsekiri women are very industrious
  • They are very supportive and wont put pressure on their husband
  • They know how to satisfy their husband in bed
  • Itsekiri women are properly trained and would pass on such good training to their children
  • They are virtuous and religious


Esan is a tribe found in in the southern part of Nigeria (majorly Edo state). They speak Esan language and their primary occupation includes hunting, traditional medicine, agriculture, etc.  Here are some reasons you should choose an Esan woman as wife.

Why You Should Consider Esan Tribe To Marry As Wife In Nigeria

Esan bride
  • Esan women are very loving , caring and loyal to their husband
  • They are contented women and do not put undue pressure on their husband
  • Esan women are obedient and submissive
  • They place much value on their immediate family and even extended family


The people of Abanyom are found majorly in the Cross river state of Nigeria. Their local language is Abanyom. Here is why you should marry a wife from Abanyom tribe.

Why You Should Consider Abanyom Tribe To Marry As Wife In Nigeria

Abanyom bride
  • Abanyom women are highly domestic and would take good care of the home
  • They are great cooks (if you have visited a Calabar restaurant before, you can attest to this!)
  • They are loving and respectful
  • They are obedient and submissive to their husbands
  • They are very romantic too


The Efik tribe is an ethnic group found in Southern Nigeria (predominantly Cross river and Akwa Ibom State). Their local language is Efik. Here are some reasons an Efik woman would be great for you as a wife.

Why You Should Consider Efik Tribe To Marry As Wife In Nigeria

Efik bride 2
  • Efik women are respective and loving
  • They are highly supportive and also loyal to their husband
  • They are hardworking and industrious
  • Efik women are romantic


Hausa tribe is an ethnic group found majorly in the northwestern Nigeria. Although you find some in other parts of the country. They speak Hausa language. Tuwo Shinkafa is one of their local food. Also, kilishi is one delicious snack you don’t want to miss when you go visiting that part of Nigeria. Here is why you should marry a wife from the Hausa tribe.

Why You Should Consider Hausa Tribe To Marry As Wife In Nigeria

Hausa bride
  • They take care of their family
  • They are beautiful in appearance
  • They are strong and independent
  • They are loyal and faithful
  • They are religious

Final Note

These are just some of the best tribe to marry as wife in Nigeria. There are also other tribes that are good to marry a wife from. In choosing a wife, tribe is not the only factor to look out for, character, educational background, family history are also other factors to look out for.

Frequently Asked Questions

What tribe is the most friendly in Nigeria?

The Yoruba tribe is considered the most friendly tribe in Nigeria. The Yorubas are warm and accommodating even to strangers.

What do I stand to gain marrying from another tribe?

Inter-tribal marriage in Nigeria has some benefits like:
Fostering of cultural tolerance
Promotes national unity
Reduces inter-ethnic crises
Promotes peace in the community

What tribe in Nigeria accepts the lowest bride price?

The Esan tribe in Edo state , Nigeria accepts the lowest bride price

What age is best for a woman to get married ?

For a woman, the best age to marry is 28 years  while for a man, the best age to marry is 32.

What tribe do men share their wives?

The men of the Himba tribe in Northern Namibia share their wives. Sometimes when they have a male guest, they let their wives sleep with the guests as a way of entertaining the guest.


  • www. infoguidenigeria. com- 15 Best Tribe To Marry As Wife In Nigeria
  • https:// ng. opera.news- 7 Benefits You Will Enjoy If You Marry An Igbo Woman
  • https: // firstclassnigeria. com-10 Best To Marry As A Wife In Nigeria


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