What Is The Purpose Of the Community Safety Education Act in The USA

What Is The Purpose Of the Community Safety Education Act in The USA
What Is The Purpose Of the Community Safety Education Act in The USA

Community Safety Education Act-The safety education act in the USA is a Federal law enacted on September 20, 1970. This act aims to provide Federal funding and coordination for comprehensive, nationwide community safety education programs designed to teach fundamental prevention skills and techniques to children of all ages and the people in their lives.

This act is meant to emphasize the importance of providing a solid foundation in safety education so that young people can learn early on how to protect themselves at home, at school, with their friends, and on the streets. This will allow them to grow up as competent adolescents who are successful adults with healthy relationships with family members, peers, and other adults in their communities.

It is not the job of a child or the child’s family to ensure that their children know how to protect themselves. Society as a whole should provide that this is done.

When parents are unable or unwilling to provide these skills and techniques, public schools should also take up these responsibilities.

In many cases, families have an involvement in the safety education program before they are even aware of it.

If you believe your school district can benefit from implementing this act, please contact your school board or the local police department and let them know that you would like to see the community safety education act become part of your school’s curriculum and/or training.

What is The Purpose Of The Community Safety Education Act in The USA

The purposes are:

1. To target and prevent gang delinquency: 

Crime in the United States is a huge problem. The criminal justice system has seen a 20% increase over the last decade, with 1 in 3 people arrested for committing an offense and 20% of youth involved in crime. As it has been said, crime pays- but not every child gets to enjoy this lucrative career. Crime prevention education is designed to remove the stigma from delinquent students and use it as an opportunity instead of punishment.

2. To improve academic performance: 

Crime prevention education can also help students with academic results and give their school a better chance at improving their ranking on state or national tests by improving general reading comprehension, test-taking skills, math calculations, and language proficiency things.-UCLA Law Library Blog.

3. To reduce the negative effect on your child’s life: 

Crime prevention is an invisible discipline. It helps the children realize that their actions have consequences and that they can become victims of them. It helps them to realize the importance of social tolerance and understanding toward others. This helps with the transition into adult life, where they may also be crime victims.

4. To prevent further criminal activity: 

Crime will automatically decrease when a student knows and understands crimes in their neighborhood, state, and country. There will be less crime since there will be a more educated and aware population, ultimately preventing future criminal activity ( in this case, gang aggressions). The Role of Communities in Prevention and Intervention.”It gives the statistics, percentage of victims of crime, causes of crime, and community safety education act in some countries.

5. To prevent juvenile delinquency: 

Gang violence is like a disease that spreads through communities. When there are no means available to treat it, gang violence can spread rapidly and become uncontrollable for that community, neighboring communities, or even states. Juvenile delinquency is a broad term involving law violations by those under 18.-American Academy Of Pediatrics

6. To prepare your child for their future:  

“The Community Safety Education Act aims to give kids tools to recognize risky situations and make better decisions. These classes also offer tips on how to prevent or resolve conflicts. This can benefit children throughout their lives.” (Article, Preventing Crime on a Neighborhood Level)

7. To teach your child about moral values: 

Your child will have moral values such as pride, respect, and kindness by being in a class where they learn about moral value education. They will understand that breaking laws can have significant consequences, maybe even loss of life if improperly handled. They will have pride in their community, respect for authority, and kindness by being able to help others in need.

8. To let your child know the importance of being a good citizen: 

Your child will become a great citizen since they will be taught through crime prevention education that a good citizen obeys the laws and knows their rights and responsibilities; another critical fact is that knowing the law is essential to them throughout their life. “Teenagers are more involved with crimes than any other age group.”-United States Attorney General Official Website.

9. To teach your child the consequences of their actions: 

The Community Safety Education Act will help keep your child on the right track by letting them know that crime and gang violence have detrimental effects on themselves and their community.

10. To make your child aware of criminal activities:  

Your child will be aware of crimes in their community, and they will learn how to prevent them. They can avoid these situations before they occur and help everyone in the community.

Parents and teachers of young children must learn about these drugs to recognize signs of addiction or abuse when young children are at home or school.


The main goal of the Community Safety Education Act is to increase awareness and provide education relating to offenses, victims, and offenders. Another way it can achieve this goal is by providing interactive and available resources to the community.

The act also provides education and training opportunities for various agencies such as law enforcement, child protective services, or health practitioners. They ensure their curricula are evidence-based for their students to be effective in helping others. The website offers detailed information about how the prevention program works since it is on a large scale in Illinois that cannot be achieved by one teacher or agency alone.

This act has three primary goals: education, crime prevention (via awareness), and community service provisioning.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of the community safety?

Community safety is about feeling safe, whether at home, in the street or at work. It relates to quality of life and being able to pursue and obtain the fullest benefits from your domestic, social and economic lives without fear or hindrance from crime and disorder.

What are the factors that make a community safe?

These common factors, or the social conditions where safety thrives, include: Economic stability, including low unemployment; abundant living wage jobs; low cost of living; low poverty rates; and small gaps between rich and poor.

What are the 5 factors of community action?

Strategic Factors for Strengthening Our Communities: The Five C’s Community, Connections, Control, Cash, & Collective Action.

What are the 4 core values of community action initiatives?

It focuses on community-action initiatives such as community engagement, solidarity, and citizenship as guided by the core values of human rights, social justice, empowerment and advocacy, gender equality, and participatory development.

What are the 6 different parts of community action plan?

Cover page.
Executive summary or letter from the state or community’s top elected official.
The table of contents.
A community profile.
An introduction to the plan.
An explanation of how the plan was developed.


  • Aarp.com – How To Create A Community action Plan
  • We.riseup.net – What is the purpose of Community Safety
  • Kiiky.com – What is the Purpose of The Community Safety


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