Best Devotional Book for Students – College is a very exciting time in your life-time, but it also comes with a lots of challenges. Many of the students normally face fears concerning their future, you may likely experience fresh anxieties, and this can keep you in a worrisome state about fitting in when you come into a fresh environment. Notwithstanding, it can be difficult to keep growing in your faith when you’re in a new location with so much things happening around you and in your environment.
Whether you’re set to graduate this year or you have been a school student for awhile, you may get peace in these devotional books that was made especially all students this time in your life. These 7 relatable devotional books for students were constructed with the struggles that being experienced by the young adult in mind. They deal with topics that come up in your day to day student life as a college boy/girl and it helps you learn more about the existence of the Almighty creature (God).
Best Devotional Book for Students
1. New Morning Mercies Written by Paul David Tripp
New Morning Mercies is a well crafted daily devotional that talks about the Gospel from all angles. This book is a very useful book for students who wish to think about their Christian life in a very practical way. Tripp Paul David makes use of the every day examples that are less difficult to understand and you can easily relate to. This could also be transcribed into a group of friends, as it makes you to have good conversation and deeper thinking. All the devotional here is connected to a passage of Scripture that are located at the bottom, this makes readers to go into the Word.
2. Then Sings My Soul – Prayer Journal Written by Robert J Morgan
Then Sings My Soul is encompassed of fifty two hymns, you can read one for each week of the year. The hymn’s lyrics are properly printed out and it comes with musical notation, it also comes with paragraphs of background information, as well as several thoughtful reflections. These reflection questions are meant to link the hymns here to real life situations. This devotional is perfect for student musicians who wish to progress in their repertoire with the older hymns or for student believers who wish to worship in a better way. In a school setting, this book will serve as an inspiration to impromptu worship nights and discussions concerning what the hymns is and implies to each individual.
3. At First Glance – A Devotional for College Students Written by Samuel Darr
At First view is a semester’s worth of entries written for students who are at any stage of their college career. The different devotional paged discusses a specific topic in Scripture and it offers practical advice for those walking in and through similar situation. At the concluding of each entry, there is a summary of the contexts that was discussed as well as questions which you can ask your friends and neighbors. College students that are looking for something written for their specific stage of life as well as those wishing to gain better grounds at having faith conversations will gain more benefits from this devotional.
4. God’s Wisdom for Navigating Life – A Year of Daily Devotions in the Book of Proverbs Written by Timothy Keller
God’s Wisdom for Navigating Life offers deep insights Into the biblical book of Proverbs. Each day has its focus on a specific verse or 2 of the Proverbs and it goes in order of these chapters. The book of Proverbs is filled with knowledge on wisdom , a very fitting topic that covers solutions for young adults who are just starting their independent decision making. The book could also be utilized for students in their group study and in discussion classes concerning what it means to have wisdom.
5. At the Table with Jesus: 66 Days to Draw Closer to Christ and Fortify Your Faith Written by Louie Giglio
At the Table with Jesus is a set on Studies about the Messiah. The book is divided into sections concerning Jesus as God, His attributes, His interactions and activities on earth, and a host of other topics. Each daily devotional day contains a few pages that long discussed who Jesus is with other Scripture references. The text covers several response to questions if you want to think through and it has memory verse at the conclusion. This devotional is perfect for the college student who wish to know the history behind Jesus life.
6. The Simple Truth Bible: The Best Minute of Your Day Written by Group Youth Ministry Resources
The Simple Truth Bible is a devotional that is specifically structured for day to day college students. Each daily devotional has a passage of Scripture, a short explanation of the passage in question, a prayer, and your activity to help solidify the message of the passage. The book divides redemptive history into different sections to assist the reader to have deeper understanding on where they are at in the story. College students who wish a short devotional and wish to focus in a combination of background information and fresh application will benefit from this devotional.
7. Morning and Evening Written by Charles Spurgeon
Morning and Evening is a to be read twice daily. This devotional is meant to encourage the Christian believers. Based on the book of King James Bible, all words are written in an older style of English language. Each pair of readings serves as complementary description to each other in topic and the book has well-rounded lines to cover the thought. Students who wish to be challenged in their thought processes by undergoing a time-tested theologian are most likely suitable to benefit from reading this devotional.
So, if you are in search of a college that will encourage you to increase in your faith, then this book might be the best for you!
These devotional books for students were constructed with the struggles that being experienced by the young adult in mind. They deal with topics that come up in your day to day student life as a college boy/girl and it helps you learn more about the existence of the Almighty creature (God). Do well to get yours soon!
Frequently Asked Questions
What are some good devotional topics?
A sad or funny experience you’ve had in the past year.
Things you’ve learned while traveling.
Challenging relationships with people at work, home, or school.
Something you are an expert on.
An item in a newspaper or magazine that fascinated you.
What is a 7 day devotional?
Devotion is the time that is set aside to spend time with the Lord.
How do I choose a devotional book?
Pick the Right Topic. To help narrow down the choices, you first need to make up your mind on what type of devotional book to get. …
Ask for Recommendations. …
Get to Know The Author. …
Take a Peek Inside. …
Make Sure it’s Biblically Sound. …
Pray for Wisdom.
What are examples of devotional acts?
Fardn-ain( obligatory prayers)
Fardh Kifaya.
Sunnah Prayers (optional)
Wudhu’ Read [Q: 5:6]
Significance of Swalat- (Prayers)
What is Psalm 120 devotional?
Psalm 120:1 Reminds Us God Helps Us In Our Distress
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