Welcome to our free online WAEC English Questions 2021 and correct expo hints to WAEC English language answers 2021 for OBJ, Oral & Essay (paper 1, paper 2, and paper 3).
Our WAEC English Language questions and Answers 2021 expo is available now on Studentmajor for paper 1 (OBJ, Objectives) and Paper 2 (Theory & Essay) and paper 3 (Use Of Oral).
All you need to pass this Exam is our free English Language Expo guide. This package covers from WAEC English Language Questions 2021 and Answers to WAEC English OBJ, Theory, essay, and Letter writing Expo.
Note, our free WAEC English answers 2021 material is not aimed at leaking WAEC English questions 2021 before the exam, but to empower WAEC candidates with what they will see and what they should be expecting in this 2021 WAEC English language exam.
WAEC English Language Expo 2021/2022
Once again, this WAEC 2021 English language questions and answers expo solutions are free of charge and it is very comprehensive. Making use of this expo will guarantee candidates at least A or B.
We maintain and respect the West African Examination Council exam’s policies and we are not aiming at infringing the exam policies.
But to help in securing and building better WAEC candidates that will not always rely on the WAEC English expo, we have piled up this material to support the 2021 candidates.
WAEC English Paper 1 Objectives (OBJ) 2021
English Language Paper 1 is Objectives (OBJ) Questions 2021 and there are about 60 questions in this paper to be answered in 1 hour, 30 minutes.
Candidates are to choose just one option from the multi-choice Obj options and shade their answer on the OMR (The OBJ Answer Booklet).
WAEC English Language ObJ questions and answers’ options always look similar. So you need to pay attention to each question and read the question either twice or more before choosing an option.
So, don’t ever make a mistake of picking an answer when you have not gone through all other options. Below are samples and possible WAEC 2021 English Language OBJ questions and Answers for 2021.
WAEC English Questions and Answers Samples 2021.
The following are some important WAEC English Language Past Questions and Answers Samples 2021 to practice with.
Choose the word that best Fill in the spaces:
1. A good Nigerian citizen must abide________ the constitution of the country.
- with
- By
- On
- In
- At
Solution: In the English Language, one can only abide by rules. So the Correct Answer is B.
2. There would have been a riot in our school but for the timely ______ of our staff.
- intervention
- interruption
- interference
- invasion
3. The armed robbers _______ every room in the bank to look for money?
- explored
- ransacked
- raked
- swept
4. Ade is too clever by half. Does this mean that Ade is________?
- far cleverer than others.
- actually very stupid in his behavior.
- annoyingly clever.
- behaving to be clever but is not.
In each of the statements below, choose the word that best explains the meaning of the bold word(s)
5. Ameh is really being economical with the truth. This means that Ameh
- is being praised for being honest.
- does not know enough.
- knows more than he is prepared to say.
- is not telling the truth.
6. I hope the principal would be gracious enough to forgive us.
- cordial
- polite
- merciful
- gentle
WAEC English Language Theory Questions and Answers 2021
WAEC English Paper 2 Theory (Essay): Theory, Essay and letter writing (formal and informal) make up the English language paper 2.
The WAEC 2021 English Language questions from this paper range from letter writing to essay and so on.
Format of English Language Letter/Essay Writing
Format for WAEC English Essay and Lettering Writing: If you are writing a formal letter, then follow this format;
Formal Letter Format:
- Your address (at the right-hand-side)
- Date
- Address of the person you are sending to (at the left-hand side)
- Salutation
- Caption (the heading of your letter)
- Body of the letter (starting with Introduction, then to content and conclusion)
- Complimentary close (Yours faithfully)
- Your Signature / Name (each on separate lines)
Informal letter Format:
- Your address
- Date
- Salutation
- Body of the letter
- Complimentary close
- Name
If you are writing an essay, follow this format: An English essay has three main parts:
- Start with the introduction,
- Move to the body
- Make a conclusion.
Download WAEC English syllables
WAEC Oral English Paper 3 Questions and Answers 2021
The WAEC English Language Paper 3 will be the use of Oral which will test. The WAEC 2021 Questions and answers from this paper will test candidates abilities on phonetics and concords.
Paper 3 has 60 multiple choices (Objective) Questions. The time range for this paper will be 1 hour, 30 minutes.
Below are samples and possible WAEC English Oral paper questions and Answers 2021.
1. Which of the following words contains the sound as / ǝ /?
- accurate
- nephew
- ageless
- waddle
2. Which of the following words, does not have the same stress pattern as the others?
- sanctify
- promising
- notify
- organic
3. Choose the word that best rhymes with “DROUGHT”
- crowd
- naught
- shout
- taught
4. Choose the word that best rhymes with “CARRIER”
- area
- barrier
- serious
- ravine
Exam Format and Instructions to follow
Many candidates fail WAEC because of the following:
- Check to be sure that your candidate’s details on the answer booklets are correct.
- Do not write or submit the same exam number or name on more than one answer booklet on the same subjects.
- Shun exam malpractice.
- Make sure to follow the exam instructions as presented on the Question papers before you start.
- Shade your answers appropriately following the OMR rules stated earlier.
- Do not shade your objective answer sheets with a pen instead, use an HB pencil.
- Provide valid details only.
That is the best WAEC English Language questions and answers 2021 expo solution that is available for now for paper 1 (OBJ, Objectives) and Paper 2 (Theory & Essay) and paper 3 (Use Of Oral).
Kindly check back for our free WAEC English expo 2021 for OBJ, theory, essay, and letter writing in few minutes.
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