How To Reprint Jamb Slip Without Email – Do you want to reprint a Jamb Slip without emailing it? Then please find the latest Jamb Slip, and click on the “Reprint” link below it. You can choose where to print, or print from your computer.
The Joint Admission and Matriculation Board is the statutory body to regulate and controls the educational institutions in Nigeria.
The board’s objectives are to foster, supervise and control all state and federal-owned high schools, vocational institutes, polytechnics, colleges of education, and other recognized courses of education.
It also provides for the general administration of these schools.
It is also responsible for all matters related to higher learning in Nigeria including; admissions, registration of students, examination to award certificates and diplomas, and examinations. It is also responsible for the accreditation of teaching institutions to award degrees.
How To Reprint Jamb Slip Without Email
1. Open the Chrome browser on your phone.
2. Visit the JAMB Examination slip printing portal.
3. Type your JAMB registration number or phone number.
4. Click on Print Examination Slip.
5. View your JAMB exam date, center, and venue.
6. To print JAMB Slip, click on Print Slip.

Reprinting jamb slip on the PC is quite tricky, but there are a few simple steps that will help you to do it.
1. Click on ‘File’ in the toolbar of your web browser and select ‘Print.’
2. Select ‘Print preview.’ Look for an icon that resembles a printer on the toolbar at the top of your page and click on it to open your printer’s settings menu.
3. To change the number of copies from 1 to 2, look for a button labeled “Copies” where it says “1-11.” Click inside this box with your mouse, then hold down Ctrl + Shift while you type “2”. Click outside of the box and save your settings.
4. Choose a paper size that is smaller than A4. If not possible, then set it to “Standard paper”.
5. Print the page as is and hold down Ctrl + K to keep the print preview window open until it is done. Click ‘Done’ in the print preview window to close it and finish printing.
6. Open up Adobe Reader or PDF Reader on your computer – whichever you use to read PDFs – and select ‘View’ from the menu bar at the top of your screen above all five buttons (you may need to click on them one by one).
The reasons Why Students Should Reprint their Jamb slip are:
- A reprint is a legal document that is not only accepted to all secondary schools in Nigeria but also to universities.
- A reprint includes the student’s original registration number and their SSC Result Slip Number.
- The cost of printing will never be more than the cost of obtaining the first copy of your Jamb slip.
The Joint Admission and matriculation board has come out with a conclusion of what has been going on about the reprinting of JAMB slips in Nigeria.
It had come to their notice that a few people are printing JAMB slips while others are buying them from their friends, the board has said they will not be held responsible for any slip that is not registered in their system.
The board asked candidates who want to buy or print JAMB slips should register online first, then go into a branch of the bank and produce identification documents, if necessary before going for clearance at the card printers kiosk.
This is also because there have been numerous cases where people have given up on trying to print their papers and ended up buying one instead.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is JAMB reprint portal not opening?
It means the JAMB reprinting has not started. Other Things You Need To Know Candidates who were posted to a center that has been banned will be re-posted
What is my JAMB registration number?
Your JAMB result slip will be generated and displayed on your screen. Your JAMB registration number will be printed on the result slip. If you’re unable to retrieve it using this method, you can contact the JAMB support team for further assistance.
Can I use one email for JAMB twice?
NO, you cannot use one Email address to register for JAMB two times, provided this email address has been used by you or anyone else to create and JAMB Profile, it renders that email address automatically not valid or available for creating another JAMB Profile.
How do I retrieve my JAMB registration slip?
It’s attached to a message sent to you by JAMB immediately after the CBT centre submitted your UTME/DE application or after linking your email to the JAMB portal. The JAMB registration number is on it, of course. And if you’ve lost the slip, what you need is to log into your email.
Is email important in JAMB registration?
“Candidates are, therefore, advised to get their genuine e-mail addresses before proceeding with UTME registration. “In addition, candidates are to ensure that their passwords are kept securely as the board does not retrieve lost e-mail passwords or change e-mail addresses once registered.”
What if I lost my JAMB details?
Having obtained the fundamental requirements listed above, you must log into the JAMB’s website to continue the retrieval of your JAMB Registration Number. Click on the E-facility link in the green navbar. Under Post-Registration e-Facility, click on Retrieval of Registration Number.
Can I reprint my JAMB slip anywhere?
Reprinting your JAMB slip is an easy process. It is done through JAMB e-Facility through and you need to reprint your JAMB UTME examination slip that reflect your examination date is your registration number. Follow the steps below to reprint your registration slip via online.
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