Private Universities Offering Agricultural Engineering In Nigeria

Private Universities Offering Agricultural Engineering In Nigeria

Private Universities Offering Agricultural Engineering In Nigeria – Are you interested in studying agricultural engineering at one of the best private universities in Nigeria? Explore this article as we will be discussing the private universities offering agricultural engineering in Nigeria.

Private Universities Offering Agricultural Engineering In Nigeria

  1. Adeleke University
  2. Afe Babalola University
  3. Landmark University

1. Adeleke University

The university offers engineering programs that use mathematical and natural science knowledge gained through study, experience, and practice to develop sustainable ways of harnessing natural materials and natural forces for human benefit. The institution program emphasizes the development of the mind to acquire knowledge and practical skills that meet human physical needs, survival, and safety. Their students are indirectly prepared for more than design, development, and implementation.

The school currently runs four undergraduate programs: Agricultural Engineering; Civil Engineering; electrical and electronic engineering; and mechanical engineering. These programs are fully accredited by both the Nigerian Engineering Regulation Council (COREN) and the National Universities Commission (NUC).

The faculty has classrooms suitable for teaching and learning and approximately thirty-one (31) fully equipped laboratories and workshops. It is equipped with extremely dedicated employees. Their department handbook provides prospective students with valuable information about the engineering program curriculum. Candidates will receive an overview of the courses offered by the department and the requirements for earning a bachelor’s degree in engineering.

The Faculty of Engineering was established in the 2014/2015 academic session with an undergraduate program in engineering. It is located in the capital, in the largest building on campus. The National University Commission (NUC) has approved the establishment of the following departments, programs, and faculties:

  • Department of Agricultural Engineering
  • Department of civil engineering
  • Department of Electrical and electronic engineering
  • Department of mechanical engineering

In addition, in 2021, the university senate approved the opening of two undergraduate education programs (chemistry and computer engineering) in addition to the existing programs. Graduate courses (agricultural engineering, civil engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, and mechanical engineering) also began.

The college has benefited from the services of distinguished and experienced academic staff since its establishment.

For more information, visit:

2. Afe Babalola University

Afe Babalola University is a results-oriented institution to produce highly qualified and socially relevant graduates who can apply scientific knowledge to solve social and technological problems. The University is also committed to transforming students into expert thinkers, innovative leaders, and astute technocrats in all fields of study.

The vision of the University is to lead educational reform in Nigeria by providing world-class training centers in academics, character, sports, and professional development.

This vision is based on the need to produce sane and agile professionals.

The philosophy of the university goes thus:
The organizers of the university expect to produce graduates who value the dignity of work and are problem solvers, independent, hard-working, highly productive, and of global importance in all areas of human endeavor.

The university instills and promotes certain core values, such as industry, service, integrity, discipline, and good character. Compare notes and share experiences. It is also willing to participate and cooperate with relevant higher education institutions around the world. The mutually beneficial cooperation extends to research centers, all higher education institutions, international organizations, African studies institutes, and companies in Europe, the United States, North, Central, and South America, Asia, the Far East of Australasia, and the Pacific.

Afe Babalola University is given a truly global and international outlook and status, and its sphere of influence spans the globe. Efforts are made to cooperate in the fields of program development, curriculum revision, personnel exchange, equipment and materials acquisition, student years abroad, library collaborations, and summer programs. The university is leading the education reform along the Nigerian line.

For more information, visit:

3. Landmark University

The Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering has established itself as one of the foundations of the College of Science since the establishment of Landmark University in March 2011. It started as an engineering department as part of the Agricultural Engineering unit. units low only as of the 2012/2013 academic session in September 2012; Agricultural and biosystems engineering has become a whole division.

The mission is to become an international resource center that will continue to support and develop scientific innovations and inventions aimed at finding solutions to the many challenges that hinder the comprehensive development of agriculture in Nigeria and Africa through the following actions:

  • Technological and engineering innovations are needed to advance Landmark University’s mission for the agricultural revolution and beyond.
  • Modern technology and engineering education that prepares graduates for job responsibilities.
  • Ongoing involvement and commitment to relevant teaching and research activities to train agronomists most in demand by employers in the workforce, graduate schools and research institutes around the world.
  • Establish functional and sustainable industrial and corporate relationships for mutually beneficial relationships.
  • A strong moral education produces graduates with strong moral principles.
  • A conducive environment for advanced engineering and technology that provide and maintain knowledge, and tools to accelerate industrial development.
  • Generate income through the development and production of simple, effective and efficient agricultural tools, and machinery.

For more information, visit:


This is the right content you need to start your career as an agricultural engineer. We hope this article has provided the information you need on the private universities offering agricultural engineering in Nigeria.

Frequently Asked Question(s)

How many universities offers agricultural engineering in Nigeria?

Currently, Only about Sixteen (16) Universities are fully accredited to Study Agricultural Engineering in Nigeria.

What is the JAMB score for agricultural engineering?

A JAMB Score of 250 and above is good enough to secure admission in any University in Nigeria to Study Agricultural Engineering.

How many years is Bsc agriculture in Nigeria?

It is a Four year bachelor’s degree program and graduates of this course have career opportunities as Farmers, Ranchers etc.

What subject go well with agriculture?

Typically offered as a Bachelor of Science (BSc Agriculture), agriculture courses are highly interdisciplinary, requiring students to have a good grasp of both natural sciences and social sciences, and drawing on areas such as biology, environmental sciences, chemistry, economics and business and management.

What are the benefits of studying agriculture?

The world depends on farmers cultivating plants and animals for food production and industrial raw materials. Thus, agriculture can totally eradicate poverty and needs vibrant and passionate youths to be part of the sector. By choosing to study the course, you’re contributing your quota to the betterment of humanity.

What are the advantages of agriculture?

#1. It’s the main source of raw materials.
#2. It’s important to international trade.
#3. It plays a big role in a nation’s revenue.
#4. It provides employment.
#5. It’s crucial to a country’s development.
#6. It can help heal the environment.
#7. It goes hand-in-hand with war.


  • – Federal, State, and Private Universities that offer Agricultural Engineering
  • – Full list of universities in Nigeria offering Agricultural Engineering


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