NECO Biology Practical Questions and Answers 2021/2022 Specimen (Complete Solution)

Do you wish to get free NECO Biology practical questions 2021 before the exam? If yes, I will tell you how to get the 2021 NECO Biology practical questions and answers 2021 for free without paying a dime to anybody.

With our recommended NECO 2021 Biology practical specimens, questions, and answers guide material, you will be able to score A in this subject without paying to get expo or runs.

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NECO Biology Practical specimens 2021 and Exam Guidelines

2021 NECO Biology practical exam scheme and format: The NECO Biology practical exam is paper 3. The exam contains questions from the specimens that will be made available and candidates are expected to give the correct answers to the questions.

Correct NECO Biology Practical Specimen, questions and answers 2020/2021. Practical expo runs for paper 3. Get solved questions and answers

All specimens are labeled alphabetically ranging from letter A. Candidates are to identify each of the specimens and use them to answer the questions that follow. All specimens will be available throughout the exam and candidates will be given the access to identify them.

Below are the samples of the NECO Biology practical specimens from last year’s exam. They are for sample works. Identify each of them and use them to answer the questions below. Use them to practice effectively for this exam.


  1. SPECIMEN A: Elephant Grass
  2. SPECIMEN B: Grasshopper
  3. SPECIMEN C: Lizard
  4. SPECIMEN D: Housefly
  5. SPECIMEN E: Termite
  6. SPECIMEN F: Spider
  7. SPECIMEN G: Longitudinal
  9. SPECIMEN H: Cashew fruit
  10. SPECIMEN I: Transverse Section
  11. of Tomato fruit
  12. SPECIMEN J: Tridax fruit
  13. SPECIMEN K: Left femur of a
  14. small mammal
  15. SPECIMEN L: Flamboyant flower
  16. SPECIMEN M: Tilapia Fish


  1. Specimen A – Thermometer
  2. Specimen B – Rain gauge
  3. Specimen C – Meter rule
  4. Specimen D – Sweep net
  5. Specimen E – Wind vane
  6. Specimen F – Quadrat
  7. Specimen G – Filter paper
  8. Specimen H – Quill feather
  9. Specimen J – Palm frond(freshly procured)


  1. Specimen P – Male cockroach
  2. Specimen Q – Grasshopper
  3. Specimen R – Small mammal/Rat/Mouse

Sample NECO Biology practical Questions 2021 (for practice purpose)

Use the labeled specimens above to answer the questions below. Note: These questions are for practice purposes only. There may not be the actual questions you will in the 2021 NECO Biology practical exam.

1. List the uses of the following:

  1. Thermometer
  2. Rain gauge
  3. Meter rule
  4. Sweep net
  5. Wind vane
  6. Quadrat
  7. Filter paper

2. What are the botanical names of the following?

  1. Elephant Grass
  2. Grasshopper
  3. Lizard
  4. Housefly
  5. Cashew fruit
  6. Tomato fruit
  7. Flamboyant flower

3. Outline the life-cycle of the following?

  1. Grasshopper
  2. Lizard
  3. Housefly
  4. Termite
  5. Spider
  6. Tilapia Fish

NECO Bio Practical Practice Questions

The questions below are for practice not the 2021 Biology Practical questions.

1. (a) (i) Phylum of specimens C/Butterfly and E/Grasshopper: Arthropoda

(ii) Reasons for the answer in 1 (a)(i): (I) Metameric segmentation/segmented bodies: (II) Jointed appendages; (III) presence of chitinous exoskeleton/exoskeleton made of chitin; (IV) Bilateral symmetry.

(b) differences between


Wings presentWings are absent
Proboscis presentMandibles are present
Proleg absentMandibles are present
Legs are longerLegs are shorter
Claspers are absentClaspers are present
Has one pair of compound eyesHas simple eyes
Has antennaeAbsence of antennae
Osmeterium absentOsmeterium present


Presence of proboscisPresence of mandibles
Clubbed/rounded/knobbed antennaeNot clubbed/rounded/knobbed antennae/tapering antennae;
Wing is membreneous/softHarder/less membraneous wings/forewings are leathery
Surface of wing is powdery/have scales/eye spotsSurface of wing is not powdery/absence of scales/eye spots;
Hind limbs/legs smaller/shorter/less muscularHind limbs/legs/larger and elongated/more muscular
Abdomen is hairyAbdomen is not hairy/smooth

(c) Relationship between specimens C/Butterfly and D/Caterpillar:

(i) C/butterfly is the adult/image of D/Caterpillar

(ii) D/Caterpillar is the larva/larva stage of C/Butterfly

(d) (i) Habitat of specimen D/Caterpillar: Garden/Citrus leaves/vegetables/leaves/fruits/green plant has three pairs of true legs with claws for locomotion. (III) it has claspers; for attachment to vegetation/twid; (IV) presence of four pairs of prologs/false legs: for climbing; (V) its coloured pattern; enables it to blend with its environment/camouflages/escape predators; (VI) it has spiracles; for gaseous exchange, (VII) it has simple eyes for vision (VIII) has osmeterium; as defense mechanism/which emits foul smell to scare away predators.

(e) Diagram/drawing of dorsal view of specimen C/Butterfly

2(a)observable features of biological importance in Specimen F/Carrot: (i) Main root/tap root/swollen/root tuber; (ii) Presence of lateral roots; (iii) Presence of short stem (green) ; (iv) Presence of foliage leaves; (v) Part of main root tapering

Specimen G/Irish potato: (i) Swollen stem/stem tuber; (ii) Bud(s)/ eye; (iii) Lenticels; (iv) scale leaf; (v) adventitious roots(s)

(b) (i) Classification of (I) Specimen F/Carrot: Root tuber; (II) Specimen G/Irish Potato: Stem tuber. Stem (above the swollen tap root). Specimen G/Irish Potato: Swollen, Stem/tuber; presence of bud(s)/eye; presence of scale leaves/leaf; presence of lentice(s).

(c) Class of specimen H and J: insect

(d) (i) Observable differences between specimen H and J.

H/Adult mosquitoJ/Adult cockroach
Smaller in sizeBig/large in size
A pair of wingsTwo pairs of wings;
Absence of hard hind wingPresence of hard hind wing/elytra;
Shorter antennaeLonger antennae
Absence of maxillary palp/maxillaPresence of maxillary palp/maxilla
Thin legsThick/large legs;
Absence of spines on legsPresence of spine on legs.

(ii) Similarities between specimens H/adult mosquito and J/adult cockroach:

(i) Presence of a pair of compound eyes
(II) Body is divided into three divisions/head, thorax, and abdomen
(iii) three pairs of/six(walking) legs
(IV) presence of jointed appendages
(V) presence of a pair of membraneous wings
(VI) Presence of a pair of antenna
(VII) Both have exoskeletons made of chitin
(VIII) Segmented Body.

(i) Feeding Habit of Specimen H/adult mosquito: Piercing and sucking. Specimen J/adult cockroach: Biting and chewing

(ii) Observing features used for feeding in specimen J/adult cockroach: Mandible; maxillae; labrum

4.  (a) (i) Phylum of Specimen R/Earthworm: Annelida

            (ii) Reasons for the classification of Specimen R/Earthworm:

(I) Presence of metameric segmentation/segments are separated from each other (by septa
(II) They are bilaterally symmetrical
(II) Segments are separated from each other
(IV) Presence of chaetae
(V) Body is covered by thin collagen cuticle
(VI) body is long and cylindrical.

(iii) Habitat of Specimen R/Earthworm:

(I) Under decaying leaves
(II) Wet/moist soil
(III) In open savanna/savannah beneath tall grasses
(IV) In the forests in decaying tree-stumps.

(b) (i) Features of adaption of Specimen R/Earthworm:

(I) Bristle like Caetae/seatea; for locomotion
(II) Mosti skin; for gaseous exchange
(III) Pointed anterior; for burrowing into the soil
(IV) Slimy body; reduces friction during movements
(V) Citellum; for attachment during the exchange of sperms/reproduction/secretes cocoon (in which its eggs are deposited).

(ii) Economic importance of Specimen R/Earthworm:
(I) it aerates the soil
(II) it enriches/improves soil fertility
(III) its secretions neutralize the acid soil
(IV) Used as bait for fishing
(V) As food for some birds.

(c) Diagram/Drawing of the dorsal view of Specimen R/Earthworm

(d) Type of fruit: Specimen S/unripe mango fruit – Drupe, Specimen T/tomato fruit – Berry.

(e) (i) Observable differences between Specimens S and T

Specimen C/Unripe Mango FruitSpecimen T/tomato Fruit
Green in colourRed/Yellow in colour
One seededMany seeded
Stony/hard endocarpFleshy/Succulent/Soft endocarp
Fibrous mesocarpSucculent mesocarp
Seed largeSeed(s) small;
Basal placentationAxile placentation
Mesocarp and endocarp are fusedMesocarp had endocarp are not fused

(ii) Similarities between specimens S and T:

(I) Both have seeds

(II) both are fruits

(III) Both have three layers/epicarp/mesocarp/endocarp/pericarp/fruit wall

(IV) Coloured epicarp/pericarp

(V) Both have placenta

(VI) Both have thin epicarp

(VII) both have fleshy mesocarps.

Free NECO Biology practical answers 2021: Here are the free NECO Biology practical answers to the sample questions above. Practice them effectively in case they happened to be repeated in this year’s exam.

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