Have you ever wondered How to Prepare for WAEC 2021/2022 and score A in your 9 subjects without expo? If yes, then you can write this WAEC exam and come out with a good grade without expo.
This is the best WAEC preparatory solution that I will ever recommend to all WAEC Candidates which will help them to smash all subjects and score A or B in all of them by themselves.
This page will answer all these questions one-after-the-other. So follow up carefully.
Aim and Purpose For 2021 WAEC Preparation
A lot of students are yet to know why WAEC set this exam for them. So before we launch you down, let’s evaluate some of the reasons why WAEC set this WAEC Exam.
- To Prepare Student for Higher Education: One of the most important reasons for this WAEC Exam is to prepare students who will be furthering their education to higher institutions.
- Help students develop technical skills and apply them in their field of study in higher institutions.
- Develop students on how to write examinations by themselves.
- Test students how much they have learned from the class lessons from their SS1 to SS3.
- Development student with a positive mind and approach toward handling academic problems.
- To understand how each subject will relate to their field in a tertiary institution.
How to Prepare for 2021 WAEC in One month
Here are the summary secrets and steps to prepare for WAEC 2021 in one month and come up with excellent result.
- Read and make notes
- Use free WAEC materials like Syllabus, Past Questions and Textbooks whenever you are studying.
- Revise and solve all work examples, your homework, and test questions.
- Make sure you study As if the exam will come up Tomorrow
- Eat, Sleep, and Relax then continue reading.
- Before you leave for the exam, make sure you pick your Jotter and scan through the points you jotted therein.
- Eat good food before leaving for the Exam
- Gather all your exam writing materials before leaving for the exam
- Kill Fear and Reduce anxiety
- Arrive at the exam venue 1 hour before the exam start to avoid rushing to the exam hall.
- Follow the examiner’s instructions strictly to avoid mistakes
- Finally, rely on what you have studied and God alone but never rely on expo or cheating
Our free WAEC Questions and Answers for all subjects 2021 can be seen here. Don’t miss out. Get WAEC Expo Answers for other subjects here
First Preparation Tip for WAEC 2021
Read and make notes;
As a candidate, you may not need to read all your textbook or note lines to lines or word to word. That will make it more difficult for you.
Rather, it is always important to read and jot down some important points. This is the same thing you should do in class.
Don’t be distracted by copying unnecessary notes on the board but rather, pay attention to your teacher’s explanation and jot down the important points.
More important to listen than to take perfect notes! Instead, think about the gist. Note any keywords, definitions, and step-by-step instructions.
Free WAEC Materials:
- WAEC Syllabus for all subjects
- Solved WAEC Questions and Answers for all Subjects
- Register 2021 WAEC Exam here
Second Preparation Tip for WAEC 2021
Revise and solve all work examples, your homework, and test questions.
I believe you might have gotten all the class works, assignments, and test questions your teacher has been dealing with within the class.
Now is the best time to revise those class work examples, homework questions, and test questions by yourself.
But if it happens that you don’t have any of them, then get a good textbook and look for work examples, test, and trial questions and try solving them.
If you can solve all of them, then be assured that the questions WAEC will set will not be very far from them and you will be able to answer them very easily.
Third WAEC Preparation Tip 2021
Make sure you study As if the exam will come up Tomorrow:
A lot of students will always wait until the night of their Exam before they open their books. And when they open their books, they try covering everything within a few times by trying to cram.
Your brain is not like that of a computer that can store millions of information in less than a minute. I am saying your brain cannot store everything in your textbook.
But Doing that will not be instantaneous, you don’t need to stress your brain else you lose everything. The best way to study and get everything into your brain is to study gradually on a daily basis.
With this, your brain will be able to absorb everything because it will have enough time to store them gradually without being confused.
How to Prepare on a Night Before your WAEC Exam.
You don’t need to do much the night before your exam. You don’t even need to stress your brain else to corrupt it and make it lose everything it has stored. So on the night before your Exam, just do as stated below:
Pick your Jotter and scan through it:
If you get me right, I am not saying you should read. But I said, “scan through it”. This means you should just go through it as a flash so as to keep your brain busy.
At this point, make sure you don’t try cramming anything else; you may start confusing your memory. Your Scanning should not be more than needed. Let’s say 2 – 3 hours is okay.
Eat, Sleep, and Relax:
After you scan, eat good food that will help your memory, sleep without thinking about the exam, and relax your brain. You don’t have to spend your time worrying about your exam.
If you do this, then you are burning and ruining out and yourself and your memory and this can affect your performance in the exam. Also, make sure you set an alarm to wake you up if your Exam is coming up very early in the morning.
Preparation tips and practices that will help you to Pass WAEC exam.
Like I said up there, waking up early is very important so as to have enough time to arrange for the exam especially if your exam comes up in the morning.
In addition to waking up early on your exam day, other things you need to do on your Exam day include:
Eat good food before leaving for the Exam:
The food you eat will also help with your performance. Eating heavy food will cause you laziness but eating light food will boost your liveliness and performance.
But don’t fail to eat before going for the exam. Going to write Exam empty Tommy may have a cause very serious impact on your performances and concentration.
Gather all your Exam Materials before leaving For the Exam:
Don’t procrastinate when it comes to getting the needed materials for your Exam ready. Make sure you gather all the materials (Like your pencils, papers, and any other materials) that you will need for the exam into your bag as early as possible. You can even request someone to remind you when you are about to leave for the exam.
Kill Fear and Reduce anxiety:
Why should you be afraid when you have gotten everything that you need to pass the exam. Note that fear is of the devil and Our Heavenly Father (GOD) has advised us to “FEAR NOT”. Don’t allow fear to take success away from you. So kill fear and move on to your success.
Arrive at the exam Venue Very early:
A later comer is always prone to mistakes. Make sure you avail yourself at the Exam venue 30 minutes to 1 hour before the exam time.
With this, you will have enough time to do all that you need to do and get all the necessary information. Rushing to the exam hall has a 30% guarantee for poor performance because your memory will not be stable especially when it happens that you were running to meet up.
Follow the examiner’s Instruction strictly:
You should know that most of this Exam is being marked by computer and the computer doesn’t compromise with those mistakes you see as common.
Mistakes like failure to fill in the candidate’s personal details and information are usually an automatic failure. So be careful and follow the instructions to avoid failure.
Don’t Try Cheating:
There are so many penalties involved when a candidate is got cheating on the exam. So of these penalties are manageable while others are totally frustrating depending on your offense.
Candidates that are got cheating will face the penalty of automatic failure or suspension from school and withholding of Result
General WAEC Exam Guidelines for 2021
But the advice I will give you if you want to pass this Exam is to always make sure you eliminate fear first before going for an exam. To Answer any WAEC Theory question, make sure you follow these steps below.
- First, read and understand the instructions and format that Question and Answer must follow and obey before you start answering it.
- Read a particular question and understand what the questions are looking for. Read like two or three times before you give start providing your answer
- Your Answers should start by quoting the question if it is an essay question.
- Make sure to go through entire Answers to make sure that all your answers, writings, and spellings are presented accurately in the required format.
Download Free 2021 WAEC Syllabus for all Subjects PDF. Hope you found this guide on WAEC Questions and Answers 2021 Solutions Very helpful and useful? Please Feel free to share this with your friends and colleagues.
Thank you very much I appreciate your advice and God will continue to bless you.
Its been a helpful advice you just restored a soul God bless you abundantly
That is a great idea thank you very much God will help you too thanks
Thanks alot, this will go along way for those interested
Thanks alot for this piece advice,it really give me courage
Indeed u have spoken well I have heard your words of encouragement thanks I really appreciate
Thank u very very much, I’m even afraid about it but u just made me realize that it’s not necessary to be afraid.God bless you…………..
Thank you,what a motivational talk!!
Thanks so much I appreciate
It’s Nice to have your spirit of encouragement and support here.
Thanks, you just made my day, I wish I heard that during my days.