How will you feel if you can discover the secret on how to prepare for JAMB 2021 and how to pass JAMB 2021/2022 and score above 300? I am very sure you will be very happy about that.
As such, Studentmajor had put together these great guidelines for all candidates that will be writing the 2021 Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) CBT exam to follow.
This page will reveal all the secrets and the reasons why candidates do fail JAMB and how you can prepare and overcome such to avoid failure.
Is JAMB Difficult to Pass?
Many JAMB candidates always have doubts whenever they are told that they can score 300 and above. This is because they don’t even trust themselves.
Generally, JAMB Exam is not difficulty. JAMB is very easy to pass if you follow the proper preparation techniques like the ones listed on this page.
But here is the truth, if you know how to prepare effectively for this 2021 JAMB exam, then you will break the record and score above your expectations.
Even if you can’t score up to 300 in your JAMB exam, you should at least hit upto 200 or something better.
As it is said, your best is only seen in your result. So wake up and hit a score that will make you proud and bold enough to tell your peers, friends, and colleagues.
JAMB Tricks/Secrets for 2021
We have put in place all the tricks and secrets you should apply to prepare and Pass JAMB 2021 and score nothing less than 200 and above.
Note: it is only your JAMB score that can tell if you will gain admission this year or not. You should know that JAMB or the school you applied for cannot leave a candidate that score up to 300 and come to admit the candidate with 180 on a dot.
In order to make this tutorial more beneficial and helpful to you for preparation for the 2021 JAMB Exam, I have put together a nice free JAMB CBT preparatory tutorial for our 2021 JAMB candidates.
JAMB Preparation Materials for 2021
Please do well to check out the following JAMB Preparation Materials and also use them effectively for your preparation.
- 2021 JAMB slip Reprinting – Guide on how to reprint JAMB slip.
- Get more JAMB news and Updates here
- Download free JAMB CBT Practice Software/App for Android and PC here
- Free 2021 JAMB syllabus pdf for all subjects here
- Get Accurately Solved JAMB Questions & Answers for All subjects
- Download JAMB Brochure here
- See Summary of recommended/compulsory novel
How to Prepare for JAMB 2021 Excellently
Firstly, all effort and preparation without God are totally void. It is only God that gives success. But it is your level of preparation and commitment that will match with what God has for you to trigger success.
Remember what I said before “success comes when preparation meets opportunity” so you also have a role to play so that God can help you maximally.
To prepare effectively for JAMB 2021/2021 Exam, follow these steps and see more hints below:
- Study with JAMB Brochure: Download it here
- Use JAMB syllabus to Know the topics to read: Download it here
- Prepare with reference to the JAMB date. Download Exam schedule dates here.
- Download JAMB Past Questions and study them intensively. Download here
- Learn how to use Computer effectively for answering JAMB questions. Start a free practice here
- Read and summarize the JAMB 2021 Novel. Get JAMB 2021 Novel summary here.
- Join other candidates for JAMB lessons, Tutorials and Study group. Join here.
- Make sure extend your study time.
- Eat good diets that will help your brain.
- Make sure you get rest after a long study period so as to relax your brain.
How To Pass JAMB 2021 Once?
To pass JAMB once, you must start by discovering the causes of JAMB failures and find solutions to them. As such, below are the listed causes of JAMB failure and their solutions.
I will start with the problems that are channeled directly to the candidates in persons before I head over to the JAMB failures due to technical issues.
1. Improve any poor or Lack of preparation habit
You will believe me that it is very difficult to attain success without work and the only work you need to put in place to pass the 2021 JAMB Exam is preparation.
Some of the studentmajor success quotes that you should always remember for motivation are: “success comes when preparation meets opportunity”, “Preparation is the key to excellent performance” “failure to prepare is preparation for failure” etc.
What to do:
All you need to do is to prepare effectively for your Exam. To prepare effectively, you will need:
- JAMB Reading timetable
- Time
- Syllabus [Download PDF Here]
- Solved JAMB Questions & Answers [View for All Subjects Here]
- JAMB Brochure [Download PDF Here]
- Summary of Compulsory novel [View Here]
- JAMB CBT Practice Software & App for Android and PC [Download free Here]
- God [The overall]
2. Take your JAMB lessons/studies Serious
Going for JAMB class on daily basis is not seriousness but the attention you pay when you get to the JAMB class is what counts.
I had a candidate who went for JAMB class daily but all she does when she gets to the Class is to cause distraction and disturb serious people.
And whenever she is asked why she is not always serious, she will say “Don’t mind me oh, I always read at home”.
But this was all lies. She doesn’t pay attention in classes so how will she pay attention to her studies at home?
The end of it all was when she went for the Exam and end up scoring 150. That was when she knew that she was not serious. And it was too late to turn things around.
See Also: JAMB Cut off mark for all institutions in 2021
How to Overcome This:
Always have the zeal to study and come out best even at home and in classes. Ask your teacher questions on areas you don’t understand and make sure you study your notes after each JAMB class.
Study all the time and warn anyone that comes to play with you during classes or your study time.
3. Adherence to JAMB Exam Instructions/information
I do advise candidates to always take time management very seriously but many of them do ignore it and run into a shortage of time.
How to target this Challenge:
Start with the subjects you know better, skip difficult questions, and answer them later, know that your time starts immediately you tab “Start Exam”. So make sure each second from the time you tab “is properly used”
4. Avoiding Distractions
I know many JAMB candidates cannot do without their friends and social media. But any candidate who cannot limit his or her attention to friends, social media & movie distraction is prone to failure.
I am not saying you should not enjoy yourself. But if you can sacrifice just a month for your exam, then your latter enjoyment will be more authentic and enjoyable knowing that you have made it well in your exam.
How to handle this challenge:
Temporary ignore some of your friends (especially those that are not writing the exam). Discipline yourself on how you should use social media.
In fact, you can also temporarily stop using social media and even watching movies. You will not die if you don’t use them for just a month or thereabout.
Make good use of your memory for reasoning and revision even when eating coz it helps to sharpen and help those things you read stick to your memory.
5. Other Technical problems from the CBT center include
Malfunctioning of system, in a conducive exam hall, power failure, indulgence in malpractice resulting in the cancellation of the center.
Solutions to this Challenge:
These problems rarely occur because JAMB always goes around all CBT centers to test all their equipment and know their efficiency and their standard of operation.
But if it happens to any JAMB candidate, unfortunately, such a candidate should call the intention of the examiners.
Also, note that JAMB understands that such a challenge might occur. So they do create opportunities for candidates who may face such challenges to be rescheduled and rewrite their exams.
Effects of scoring low in JAMB.
Scoring low in your JAMB exam is very dangerous because it will cause the following to you:
- Reduce your chances of gaining admission.
- Result in you changing from your dream institution to the one you don’t like.
- It may push you to change your mind about your dream course.
- May cost you extra cash to go about doing the JAMB change of course and institution.
- It speaks poorly of you and brings shame and embarrassment among your colleagues and peers.
- May result in your failure to gain admission this year which is a delay.
- Failure to gain admission will put you to starting over again which is a money and time waste.
There are many other ugly experiences that you may not bear at all if you fail your JAMB exam. So it will be very interesting if you can just make it once.
The end of all this matter is nailed at preparation. Can you remember this quote that says “failure to prepare is preparation for failure”? So any 2021 JAMB candidates that wish to pass the 2021 JAMB exam must be ready and willing to prepare for the exam?
I am sure you have known how to Pass JAMB 2021 CBT exam and score above 300 without depending on JAMB expos?
If you are still having any difficulty that you want us to assist you with, then feel free to use the comment box to ask “Studentmajor Mentor” any question or seek any assistance or make your own suggestion, contribution, request, or complaint.
Are they setting question from our old text in literature particularly those ones like Othello, harvest of corruption, ambus,or they av new text for us
The ones listed on the syllabus
Are they setting questions from jamb past questions
Pls sir there was a mistake in my name pls sir can i change it
Yes!! Visit the change of name portal
Plz sir mistake was made in my registration. M from imostate nd they put Anambra state for me.
So sir can I still correct d mistake
Yes!!! Visit CBT Center or follow the Online guide to correct that very easily.
None for now
can someone use a jamb result twice
please sir can someone choose a cbt center for him self
No!!! You can only choose the town you want to write the exam and then, JAMB will fix you to a center within that town