How To Mail Stuff To College Dorm: What You Need To Know
The world has advanced so much that we can virtually ship or mail anything to our desired destination provided we use the right means and pay the commensurate fees for the delivery of our items.
This culture of shipping and mailing stuffs to our desired locations is not lacking when it comes to transporting and moving items to your college dorm. If anything the practice of mailing is even more practiced when students are preparing to go to college as returning students, or freshmen.
If you are thinking about mailing stuff to your college dorm, you probably have a few questions. What is the best way to send items to college? How do I mail things to my dorm? Will it be there when I arrive on campus? and so many other questions these questions will be answered in this article. But you will.
To be able to mail stuff to your college dorm, you need to know how to do that in the right way. We would be discussing how to mail your belongings and other items to your college dorm, to learn these ways read on and you will be happy you did.
Shipping Items to College
When you’re ready to move into your college dorm you may have to move more items and stuff to your dorm than you would expect most of the time. This realization means that college students will not be able to move all their belongings with them into their dorm room.
In this situation do not worry as a college student having to return to begin college or return to college, you can have your remaining belongings shipped to you directly to your dorm.
Shipping of items to college dorms requires you to consider certain things including logistics, and the size of the items you plan of having shipped to you in college. You will have to also decide if your shipped items will have to get to your college dorm ahead of you, or your items will be shipped after you have set up your dorm room.
What you plan on shipping will determine your logistics arrangement, for instance, if you plan on shipping a full-size mattress or large piece of furniture, you will need to rent a truck with a liftgate to ship the item to your college location.
Note that regardless of where you are shipping your items from to your college dorm, be it that you are shipping from home, or directly from the store, ensure that your item if not very large is properly packaged to avoid damage when your item gets to you in college.
To ship your items to college can be expensive depending on the means you decide to use therefore you need to factor in the cost of shipping your stuff before you decide to go the shipping route of delivering your belongings to your dorm room.
You can decide to use haulage services such as euro sender to ship your items to college and get discounted prices as a student. These discounts and cheap rate of shipping are really helpful to students because it helps them save money by cutting the cost of shipping, items including furniture, books, beddings, etc.
When shipping you can decide to use any of the methods available such as those offered on Eurosender including:
Express Service Shipping this method delivers your items within 24 hours and 72 hours and is more expensive than other methods
Standard Shipping is a very cost-effective method of shipping items to your dorm
Freight shipping services this method of shipping items to your dorm is deployed when you have to move bulky items or have large shipments.
Things To Consider Before Shipping To A Student Dormitory
Before you decide to ship or mail your stuff to college you need to make several considerations, we would be discussing some of those most important considerations to make before shipping your items to your dorm College, Some of the considerations to make include;
Prohibited and Restricted Items
Prohibited & Restricted Items
This is a very serious issue of consideration, this is because you should not decide to ship to your dorm room in college, items, and properties that are not permitted by the college authority to be brought to the dorm by students. This is necessary to avoid getting into trouble with your school on your shipment getting to school.
This is another serious consideration when you’re hoping to ship items to your college dorm. You should properly pack your items suitably to avoid damage on transit during the shipping, or handling.
Even when you ship your items you should ensure you have an insurance policy to ensure your belongings, this is where you find out if the service or logistics provider you decide to use offers insurance on items if not you may want to find another.
This is a very serious consideration because you have to plan the money you will have to spend moving your items from your home or purchase point to your college dorm. Some logistics companies charge per item depending on size between $4 – $12, while others charge lump sums based on negotiations.
Pick-up is another important aspect of shipping your items to your college dorm, this is because you are supposed to at least choose a pick-up date for your packed items ready for delivery to your college dorm. Early pick-up by the transport logistics provider avoids rushing to pack up items that may not be necessary.
You need to decide who will receive and sign your items when they arrive, this is in a case where your shipment gets to the dorm room before you arrive. To avoid this always have your shipment come after you have settled into your dorm, at least a day or two.
How to Write a Dorm Address on Mail
Addressing your mail for shipment to your college dorm room, finding ways of writing, and addressing your mail or items. To place the accurate numbering and address of your dorm can be confusing but you have to find the proper address to avoid losing your item. In writing the dorm address on your mail item follows this format.
Name and Surname
Fill out the street name in full and the number.
Add the full name of the town or city.
Ex.: London
Phone number
How To Enter A Dorm Address Into Amazon
To enter your dorm address into Amazon you will have to fill in the required information on the required page for shipping information. The Amazon format is given thus:
Full Name
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Zip Code
Phone Number
Common Issues When Shipping To College Addresses
Several issues can be encountered by college students when they decide to ship their belongings to their college dorm. Some of the common issues encountered in shipping to college addresses include:
Missing Room Numbers this is very common as couriers may be unable to find the specific room number for your item to be delivered
Language Barrier If you move into a new environment or country you will have to learn the local language or get an interpreter for when your shipment arrives.
Lack of Local Phone Numbers for couriers to call most of the time
Frequently Asked Questions
Can my university search my mail?
Yes, your university can search your mail sometimes without even notifying you of such. This is done especially with security concerns and to check if students are shipping contraband materials into school.
How do I enter my college dorm address on Amazon?
Entering your college dorm address on Amazon is quite easy you just need to fill in the shipping information with this information; Full Name, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, City, State/Province/Region, Zip Code, Phone Number.
Do college dorms have cameras in them?
No, cameras are not usually placed in private areas of the college such as the dome room, and the restroom.
Can your university see your emails?
Yes, your university can see your email, especially in conditions of emergency. Your university may not ask your permission in certain instances to look into your email.
Can universities see your search history?
Yes, universities can see your search history if you use the school WiFi or computer for searches. Universities dị not normally go out looking for your search history, also if you do not use the university WiFi or computer then they cannot see your search history.
Can I ship things to my college?
Yes, you can ship things to your college, you will need to find out what is allowed and not allowed before you make that order for your stuff to be shipped to the dorm.