How to Create JAMB Profile 2022/2023 [Email Confirmation Code]

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This article will guide you on how to create JAMB Profile 2021/2022. Creating a JAMB Profile is the first step for the 2021 JAMB registration for all interested candidates.

The Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has directed each candidate to create their own unique profile which will be used throughout the 2021 JAMB examination process till admission.

You will learn how to create a JAMB Profile & JAMB Email for 2021 JAMB registration on this page for free.

JAMB Profile Portal 2021

If you wish to start your JAMB profile creation right now, then I will love to advise you to use a COMPUTER SYSTEM to do so by visiting the JAMB Profile creation link shown below.

But If you wish to use your mobile phone, then use chrome browser or firefox but DO NOT USE OPERA MINI because Opera Mini will not be able to access the JAMB Profile Portal.

In previous years JAMB candidates have been searching for:

  • How to create JAMB profile for regularization 2021
  • JAMB profile confirmation code
  • JAMB profile creation 2021
  • How to get JAMB profile code 2021
  • JAMB profile code creation 2021

It is from the above questions & queries that we used to create this wonderful page so as to guide 2021 JAMB candidates on how to create JAMB Profile and get their JAMB Email for 2021 JAMB registration.

What is JAMB Profile all About?

Before I start the proper tutorial, I will love to let you know what the JAMB profile is all about and why it is very important. But you can skip this to the next step below if you have already known what the JAMB profile is all about.

I know a lot of JAMB candidates (especially the ones that are applying for JAMB for the first time) may not know what exactly the JAMB profile is.

Before you go ahead to create a JAMB profile, you should know what it is all about, how you will use it and why the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board made it compulsory for all applicants to create a profile.

JAMB Profile is a specialized JAMB candidate account needed for JAMB registration, checking of JAMB result, the printing of JAMB original results slip, Accessing JAMB admission caps status Portal and correction of errors.

No candidate will participate or even register for the 2021 JAMB exam without creating his or her own JAMB profile.

Requirements for Creating JAMB Profile 2021

To create your 2021 JAMB Profile, you need to have an existing Email or yahoo account. If you have not gotten an email or Yahoo account, then you will learn how to create it for free in the next step below.

But if you have an existing email or Yahoo account that is still accessible, use it and follow the steps below to create your own profile.

Additionally, if you wish to create a special and specific email or Yahoo for your admission stuff, then you will learn how to create it for free in the next step below.

Other needed documents for your JAMB profile creation includes a passport photograph, your complete, correct, and valid personal data such as your full name, Date of Birth, L.G.A of origin, nationality, state, and so on as stated in the process.

Make sure that all the personal data you provide are correct, valid, and completely filled. Check and correct all errors and mistakes before proceeding to complete your JAMB Profile creation.

How to Create JAMB Profile for 2021

To make this process easy, speedy, and successful, use a smartphone or a computer and use only browsers like chrome or Firefox. Opera mini may not work fine for you.

Create and validate your email address on the JAMB portal. To do this, follow the steps below to create your JAMB profile using your phone or PC;

Image showing steps on how to Create JAMB Profile on JAMB Portal using phone, SMS and Computer

  • visit
  • Fill in your email in the first two spaces provided, then select a question and type a secret answer in the last 2 spaces.
  • The secret question and answer will be required if you forget your password to your profile on the JAMB portal, so ensure you always remember your selected question and the corresponding answer you typed.
  • Then tap on “Verify Email” and a confirmation link will be sent to your email.
  • Open your email and look for an email inbox from [email protected].
  • The email should be titled “eMail Address Confirmation”.
  • Tab on “Click here to continue your Profile Creation”.
  • There is also a UNIQUE CODE that was sent along to you in that email.
  • Please ensure you do not delete that email or you can copy the unique code to somewhere safe.
  • You will be needing this code when you go to register at the CBT Centre.
  • Fill in all the information as provided by the form (your surname, first name, middle name, date of birth (day, month & year), your phone number, nationality, state, LGA and Password to your profile).
  • Please ensure you crosscheck all the above information, because if you don’t, it may cost you to change it in the future.
  • Once you are sure of all the above information, Tab on “Sign Up”.
  • That’s all, your profile will be created immediately. You should see a message that says “Your Account Creation Was Successful.”
  • You can Tab on “Proceed to Login” to access your new profile.

Important 2021 JAMB resource for Candidates:

How to Create JAMB Profile Through SMS

  1. Sends your Surname, First Name & Middle Name (where applicable). This should be a maximum of 38 characters + 2 spaces between names = 40 characters in all to JAMB short code of 55019
  2. One cell number (mobile number) can be used by one candidate only
  3. A confirmation code of 10 characters is received by the candidate on the same telephone number which will be used to procure the ePIN

Meanwhile, to create a profile successfully, you need an email or yahoo account. Follow the step below to create your Email or Yahoo account.

How to Create JAMB Email for 2021

Creating JAMB Email for 2021 is as normal as creating a normal email account. Both Email and yahoo accounts will be accepted for JAMB registration as long as they are valid and accessible.

If you have an email or Yahoo account that is still accessible, then there may be no need for you to create another email. But if you wish to create a special and specific email or Yahoo for your admission stuff, then follow the steps below to do it.

  1. Go to the Google Account creation page.
  2. Follow the steps on the screen to set up your account.
  3. Use the account you created to sign in to Gmail and check the email JAMB sent to you.

What to do after creating a JAMB profile?

Congratulations if you have successfully created your JAMB Profile/Email for 2021 through the guideline above. The next thing to do now is to start the full JAMB registration process.

After creating a JAMB profile, candidates are to proceed to buy their JAMB ePin and complete their registration at the approved CBT Center in their various states. See the list of accredited CBT Center in all states.

To avoid mistakes, candidates are all advised to carry out their registration (including JAMB profile creation) at the Accredited CBT centers only so that they will be supervised to avoid mistakes.

JAMB Registration Process & Procedure: To successfully complete your 2021 JAMB registration, you need some guidelines so that you won’t make mistakes. there is a complete step by step guide on JAMB registration procedures. start your JAMB registration here

Candidates who make mistakes in their name, L.G.A, State of origin, and so on during registration can do JAMB correction of mistakes here.

Other 2021 JAMB Updates:

I am sure you were able to learn how to create a JAMB Profile and How to get JAMB profile code 2021.

With the steps above, you will be able to create and get your JAMB profile confirmation code.

If you are facing any challenge creating yours, then feel free to ask “Studentmajor Mentor” for assistance or make your own suggestion, contribution, request, or complaint using the comment box below.

  1. Can someone use last year profile code for this year, Using the same number home the candidate won’t get the same score as last year,?

  2. I did but how do I check if the code sent through no reply is valid and can be used as profile codes for jamb registration

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