How Does Student Behavior Affect Learning?

How Does Student Behavior Affect Learning?
How Does Student Behavior Affect Learning?

How Does Student Behavior Affect Learning?: Student behavior is a major factor in how much a student learns. The teacher can’t just tell the students to sit down and stop whatever they are doing, but it’s also not in his or her power to instruct everyone on what he or she should do at all times. Teachers must understand that mixed classroom environments may not be conducive to learning due to the surrounding student behavior. In order for teachers to better control their students and encourage learning, they must create an environment that encourages interaction and critical thinking rather than mindless activity.

Maintaining this environment can be challenging, even with the best intentions, but it is possible with practice, patience, determination, and ingenuity.

Understanding how to best manage student behavior is one of the biggest challenges for teachers today. The more you know about your students, the more effectively you can handle them. A teacher who understands the characteristics and behavior of their students and uses this in their teaching does much better than a teacher who does not understand.

Studies show that class management is one of the most common complaints among teachers, with many also feeling that it is impossible to fully control their classrooms. And, while you may see yourself as an effective educator, studies have shown that only around 30% of teachers are able to successfully manage their classrooms effectively in a range of situations. It is important to note that the other 70% are either unable to do it or do not do it consistently.

So, how can teachers best manage their classes?

How to Effectively Manage Student Behavior in Classrooms

Here are a few strategies that can help:

1. Use different strategies with different types of students

There are different types of students, and they all have different needs. Some types have very high energy levels and will always be up moving around (including climbing on chairs), while others are timider and need more quiet time. These students will require their own separate activities in order to maximize learning.

2. Offer a range of strategies to students

It is important to offer students choices in how they work and how they express themselves in your classroom. Some students will respond better to visual aids, while others may need more writing practice. There is also a range of seating arrangements that you should keep in mind for different situations. For example, allowing students to move around between group tasks or individual assignments can help keep them on task and increase learning, especially for the high-energy types who get easily distracted and lose focus over long periods if seated at their desks all the time.

3. Have Clear Expectations

Students will not learn if the teacher does not give them clear instructions on what is expected of them.

One technique is to use consequences that match the student’s misbehavior.

For example, removing a student’s recess privilege would be appropriate if they were making inappropriate gestures.

Another technique is to provide feedback and use communication to help students change their thought processes in order to exhibit more appropriate behaviors.

An additional way of positively affecting good behavior in students while they are learning is by building strong relationships with the children that they are teaching and making sure they know where they can reach out if they need help or have any questions.

Ways Student Behaviour Can Affect Learning

Student behavior can affect learning in the following ways:

  • Students who are disinterested in learning
  • Students who are disruptive in the classroom and can make fellow students give up on them, even when they are trying their best to pay attention and get good grades but are affected by external influences.
  • Children who lack a sense of purpose or direction (and thus, motivation) often choose to explore and experiment by not trying as hard as they could academically or socially in order to find what excites them most about schoolwork, socializing, etc.
  • Teachers can’t teach effectively if students aren’t prepared for class and have good study skills; this is only further exacerbated when children’s behavior has an impact on their grades (i.e., they get bad marks in spite of trying their best).
  • Students who are disrespectful, lack politeness, and/or lack respect can influence their peers negatively. Teachers may also be affected by this, as they can’t enjoy the subject they love to teach if they’re stressed out by the behavior of the students in their class.
  • Some students have an issue with authority (whether it be a teacher or anyone else who has authority or power) and therefore don’t respect teachers or other authorities in general; this often leads to misbehavior that cannot be changed by discipline alone (i.e., what works is for teachers to get some backbone and be firm and consistent about their demands for good behavior).
  • Some students are missing so much schoolwork that they often fall behind; this can lead to poor self-esteem, poor feelings about themselves and school in general, and a host of other negative externalities (ex: missing work due to behavior can make it difficult for students without learning disabilities to keep up with the work, making it harder for them to pass tests, complete assignments, or communicate effectively with their teachers).
  • Students who are not motivated enough to pay attention, complete schoolwork, and try their best in class can fall behind (consider how some students’ test, homework, and assignment work may reflect their behavior and thus show that they are not trying; this can hurt students’ grade marks and make it harder for them to pass tests, complete assignments, or communicate effectively with their teachers).
  • Unmotivated students who lack the aforementioned self-esteem issues related to missing schoolwork may opt to experiment with drugs, alcohol, or other substances (such as cutting classes at a higher rate than their peers) in order to have fun and feel accepted; these are often problems that lead students down the wrong path.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does a student’s bad behavior affect learning classroom?

A student’s behavior can affect her ability to learn as well as other students’ learning environment. Students who behave disruptively by bullying other students, talking during lectures, or requiring the teacher to interrupt lessons to discipline them can have a negative effect on an entire classroom.

How does behavior affect academic performance?

Students with behavioral problems such as psychological distress, social problem, and emotional, vocational, academic/intellectual behavioral problem are less likely to complete their academic tasks (Barday, 2004).

How does Misbehaviour affect teaching and learning?

Misbehavior often interrupts the smooth functioning of the learning process in the classroom. This can unsettle the teachers or other students in the class. Studies had shown that school misbehavior not only intensifies with time but also lowers academic achievements and increases unruly behavior.

How students’ attitudes affect their academic performance?

Attitudes towards school and learning are associated with academic achievement. Students with poor academic performance have a more negative attitude towards learning and believe that school and learning will not help them be successful in the future 

What causes student behavior problems?

Behavior problems such as temper tantrums, negativism, boisterousness, and attention-seeking are indicative of immaturity. Another contributing factor is the individual’s physical development.


  • – The impact Student behavior has on learning
  • – Relationship between the behavior of Learning and student
  • – Problematic Students’ behavior


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