Take a minute to think about how much those you’re married to mean in your life. They are the yang to your yin, the fullest expression of who you are.
You may not be able to depend on them entirely, but they will always have a place in your heart and hopefully, this is something that will never change.
Below are some of the best sweet texts that you can send back to make sure they know just how important they are in your life.

Heart Touching Love Messages For Husband
1. I think about you all the time, even when you’re not around…There are so many things that I have to say, but there are no words to describe them. But one thing is for sure – I love you more than anything else.
2. There’s not a day that goes by when my mind does not think about where would I be without you in my life. You make everything worth it and I want to thank you for being born and making me happy in so many ways.
3. It is undeniable that we have been together through some of the worst times in our lives, but together we took on our problems and lived to tell the tale. I love you forever and nothing will ever change that.
4. Sweetie, it is true that we are a happy family with two beautiful kids and a lovely home, but nothing can make me happier than hearing you say that you love me. I love you too!
5. You are my best friend and my soul mate, the one person in this world who makes every decision worthwhile simply by being in my life. There is no greater happiness than knowing that I have found the perfect person to spend the rest of my life with. I love you so much!
6. I cannot imagine my life without you, I don’t want to. You are the yang to my yin, the air that I breathe, and the beating in my heart. You are the perfect person for me and I thank God every single day that we have found each other.
7. There are a lot of beautiful things in this world that we could see together, but nothing beats having you by my side through all of it. Thank you for being mine forever!
8. When I am with you everything seems so much easier and life is just a little bit more beautiful than it already is. I cannot wait to make plans with you and I hope that together we make things better than they already are.
9. You are my best friend, my soul mate, and the only one who can hold me down through every storm that I face. We’ve been through so many storms together and I will never forget them because of how much you taught me to appreciate everything in life. Thank you for being there for me!
10. We both know how special this relationship is and we can’t hide the fact that it has touched our hearts a little bit more than most would have imagined possible. I love you, and I’m so glad I found you.
11. You are the best thing that ever happened to me, and it is what keeps me going all the time. I want to thank God for blessing me with you and for putting us together in this way.
12. We may have our problems but we are strong enough to overcome them together! You are my everything and you always will be. There is no greater happiness than knowing that we will be loving each other forever!
13. There is not a day that goes by when I don’t miss my husband because he makes everything seem better when he’s around. How can I even say thank you for bringing so much happiness and joy into my life? You are simply the best person I could have ever wished for.
14. If I were, to be honest with you, there is no greater happiness in this world than being able to tell you that I love you. Having you by my side through good and bad times has allowed me to see just how great life can be when we’re together.
15. My love for you is so pure and genuine that sometimes it overwhelms me completely! Sometimes I think about all the reasons why we are together and it always brings a smile to my face because of how happy we make each other feel.
16. There is nothing that I would love more than to wake up every morning and see your face, to feel your arms around me, and to know that no matter what will happen today that I still have you in my life. You make everything worthwhile.
17. My soul mate happens to be the most perfect person who ever lived! There is not a day that goes by when we don’t appreciate each other for who we are and all of the things that we can do together forever. I love you!
18. You are the only thing that makes my life worth living, you are the center of my world and I would not change a single thing about it. I love you so much and I don’t think there is a single person in this world who could care for me more than you do.
19. How can I even describe what it means to have you by my side through everything in life? You are my best friend, my soul mate, and the one person who can always understand what I’m going through even when they don’t say anything! Thank you for being mine forever!
20. My husband, I feel so blessed to have you in my life because you make everything seem so much easier and simple! I cannot imagine myself without you, you are the one person who grounds me and always puts a beautiful smile on my face – thank you for being mine forever!
21. You are my life, my reason to be happy, and the one person who will always make me feel beautiful. Having you by my side through the good times and bad has taught me that there is nothing better than loving someone for who they truly are.
22. You are my everything, my life, and the only thing that matters in this world – nothing will affect me as much as you do, and I’m so lucky that you have come into my life and made me feel alive.
23. There are no words to describe how much I love you, but I would say that there is nothing more beautiful than having someone by your side who will always make you feel protected and cared for. Thank you for choosing me!
24. You are the most perfect person who has ever been in my life! Having you by my side through the good times and the bad has taught me what it truly means to be happy and bring joy to other people’s lives! We will forever be happy!
25. You are everything I could have ever wanted, and there is no greater joy than knowing that I have you there to be by my side forever. There isn’t a single person in this world who has ever made me feel as much joy as you do. Thank you for being mine forever!
26. There is nothing I love more than seeing you smile and hearing your laughter ring through the air because it makes me feel complete and gives me the sense of happiness that everyone deserves.
27. There is no greater happiness than knowing that our lives are now intertwined and nothing will ever bring us apart in the end – we are the same, I love you!
28. my love! There is no greater happiness than knowing that you will be with me from now until the end of time. You make everything worthwhile, thank you for being mine forever!
29. I cannot imagine this life without you in it because you fill all of the holes that I had before I met you. You are my perfect match and there is nothing better than having a soul mate like you!
30. The greatest thing about us is the fact that we can always understand each other and know how to comfort each other when things go wrong.
31. I would give the world to have you by my side forever because you are simply perfect and I would never want to ever lose your friendship!
32. You are the most wonderful person that has ever been in my life, and there is no greater joy than knowing that you helped me get through this difficult time. Thank you for showing me what happiness feels like!
33. There is no greater happiness than knowing that we can go from one day to another without having to worry about doing everything alone because we have each other by our side! There is nothing better than having you there with me forever!
34. There is nothing better than being able to wake up every morning and see your smiling face because you are truly the greatest person I could have ever dreamed of finding!
35. My love, there is no greater happiness than knowing that we will be together forever because we make each other happy, and there’s nothing more exciting than knowing we are two completely different people yet so perfect together! Thank you!
36. There is no greater happiness than knowing that one day soon I will be able to wake up wrapped in your arms and know that you will always be by my side. There isn’t a single thing in this world that I would change about you, thank you for being mine forever!
37. My life was so empty before I met you and found someone who would completely change my life forever. I love you and cannot imagine what my life would have been like without you.
38. There is nothing better than waking up every morning and knowing that no matter what happens during the day, we will always be there to support each other! Thank you for being mine forever!
39. There is no greater joy in this world than having someone by your side who knows how to make you feel special every single day! I love being able to wake up with your smiling face and knowing that nothing can affect me because we are a team! Thank you for being mine forever!
40. There is nothing more exciting than knowing that there is someone by your side who will always protect you and be there for you no matter what. Thank you for being mine forever!
41. My husband, there is no greater joy in this world than knowing that I can rely on you and that you will always protect me from anything bad! You are the most wonderful person and I love being with you forever!
42. Thank you for choosing me to be yours forever because I can never imagine myself without your amazing smile, laugh, and personality – we fit together like two pieces of a puzzle!
43. My love, there is no greater happiness than knowing that you can always find a way to turn my frown upside down! You are the most amazing and caring person who has ever been in my life, thank you for being mine forever!
44. There is nothing more exciting than waking up next to the love of your life and knowing that he/she will be by your side for as long as you live. I love you and cannot wait for our future together!
45. The best part about having you in my life is the fact that I know that I am always safe and protected from anything bad that might happen. Thank you for being mine forever!
46. I have never met anyone who has been as caring and loving as you are. Thank you for choosing me to be yours forever because there is nothing more exciting than knowing that someone will always be by your side!
47. There is nothing more exciting than knowing that your soul mate will always be there by your side no matter what happens. Thank you for being mine forever!
48. There is no greater happiness than knowing that our lives are the same, and there is nothing more exciting than knowing that our future together will be unbelievably happy!
49. I love you more than anything in this world, I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you because nothing can ever take away how perfect you are to me! Thank you for being mine forever!
50. The greatest thing about us is knowing that we will always be by each other’s side no matter what happens in our lives because we make each other happy and have a big part in making every day so special. Thank you for being mine forever!.