Why You Should Consider A Career In Screen Writing

career in screenwriting

Why You Should Consider A Career In Screen Writing- Are you a talented writer? Do you find it easy to tell captivating stories that stuns your audience. Do you know you can turn this talent  into a lifelong career. Yes, by taking up a career in screen writing. In the following paragraphs, we would show you what you need to consider a career in screen writing and how to go about it.

Why You Should Consider A Career In Screen Writing

Screen Writing At A Glance

Screen writing can simply be defined as the art and craft of writing scripts useful for making films, television shows and other media forms. In screen writing , a story is being created that involves dialogues and structured in a way that will fascinate the target audience.

Screen writing usually begins with a story line which will then be structured into plots, characters and dialogues. The end result is a screen play which comprises detailed description (scene-by-scene) of the story including characters, dialogues, actions and others. To be a successful screen writer, you must be a good story teller and be able to translate your stories into captivating visuals for film and television. Screen writers work in collaboration with directors, producers and some other personalities in the film and television industry to get their job done

Reasons You Should Choose A Career In Screenwriting

1. If you are passionate and talented in story telling, then you should..

Screen writing involves a lot of story telling and story writing. If you are passionate and well-talented in story telling, then you may want to consider a career in screen writing. A screen writer has ability to use his/ her imagination to create captivating and interesting stories.

2. It’s a career that allows for much flexibility

A career in screenwriting is one that offers much flexibility. As a screen writer, you don’t have to be stucked to a traditional office setting. You can choose your work schedules and work from anywhere (home, beach , restaurant, etc. )

3. You get to collaborate and work with other people

As a screen writer, in creating your stories, you will be working with different sets of people such as producers, actors, film directors, editors, etc. You get to share minds with these people which could even lead to greater productivity for you.

4. It is an in-demand career

A career in screen writing is actually an in-demand one. The entertainment industry cannot do without screen writers whether for films, television shows, adverts and so on. Someone just need to write the script.

5. Its quite rewarding

It always great if what you are passionate about is what you are choosing for a career. There is high tendency for you to succeed in such and even earn very well. More so , the entertainment industry is on the forward leap. This implies that any career activities around entertainment will make you earn some good income.

How Do I Begin A Career In Screen writing

Now that you have seen the reasons to consider a career in screen writing, let us look at how to begin a career in screen writing.

1. Master the art of screen writing

This is a very basic but key step in having a great career in screen writing. Even if you are already talented in story writing, you need to acquire some knowledge from experts and also sharpen that skill. You can take up short term course, read books, interact with professionals already.

2. Start writing

One of the best way to improve your story writing skills is to practice writing stories. Just write, keep writing. The more you write the better you get at it.

3. Get exposed to other people’s work

No man is an island. Don’t just write your own script. Learn the read the script written by others. Not that you want to directly copy them, but rather to learn more and improve yourself.

4. Open yourself to feedback and criticism

You should have within your circle of influence people that can help you regularly assess your work and criticize when the need arise. You can join groups/ forums of writers where you can easily interact with like minds and get feedback.

5. Have a portfolio

Your portfolio contains completed jobs and projects by you. This is what employers and clients want to see before they can entrust you with any job. So you actively take time out to build a strong portfolio for yourself.

6. Hunt for opportunities

Now that you have been able to build  a good portfolio for yourself, the next step is to start looking for job opportunities. You should build  a good resume for yourself, have a well-optimised linkedIn profile. You can start with internship opportunities.

Skills Needed For A Great Career In Screen Writing

Even though screen writing is an interesting, rewarding and in-demand career, there are some skills you must possess to become  a successful screen writer. Below are some of those skills:

Story telling

To have a great career in screen writing, you must be great at story telling. Your major work is to tell stories, stories that touches the heart and keeps the audience at the edge of their seat. If you are not good at story telling but you are still interested in the screen writing, then go sharpen your story telling skills. You can take up short courses, attend trainings, read books to help you.


You must also be skilled at carrying out research as a screen writer. You must be able to generate facts and fictions that will help flesh up your story line. You must know how to get information that will garnish your stories , such that will turn your stories into reality.

Team work skill

As a screen writer, you are going to be working with other professionals such as film directors, producers, actors, costume managers, etc. You must know how to work with people to achieve set objectives.

Resilience and persistence

For you to succeed in any career, you must be persistent and resilient. Screen writing is not different. You must be willing to stand, fight challenges and keep working hard till success shows up.

Some specific skills needed for screen writing include:

Character development

You must know how to develop characters that will be able to put life into the story you are telling.


You must know and understand how to structure your screenplay as appropriate.


You must be able to write interesting and clear dialogues that depicts the characters’ personality.


You must understand how to structure your screen play such that it will be clear and easy for industry professionals to understand.


You must be adapt your screen play to meet suit production needs, budget and other details.

What Job Can I do With A Career In Screen Writing

Its important that before you dive into a particular career, you know and understand what career opportunities abound there. This will also guide you in deciding if you are going to go that career path. Below are some of the opportunities that abound in Screen writing:

Screen writer

This is the most common job opportunity in screen writing. A screen writer is usually involved in creating stories , characters and dialogue for a movie , advert or TV program.

Script Editor

They edit and improve on the work done by the screen writers. They also generally give feedback on the work done by screen writer.

Script reader

A script reader has the role of reading and evaluating scripts for movies, media, agencies, etc. He/ She analyse such scripts and give feedback.

Script supervisor

A script supervisor has the role of keeping track of the details of the script that will be used for production of a movie or TV show. They see to every fine details on the script, ensuring that each scene that is shot according to the script.

Freelance writer

You can also work as a free lance writer writing on different project for movies, commercials, Tv shows, etc.

Other job opportunities include show runners, staff writer, speech writer, content producer, podcast writer, editor, etc.

Last Note

If you are talented and passionate about storytelling, then you should consider a career in screen writing. In screen writing, the writer conceives an idea which he builds a story around. He tries to tell the story in way that can be transformed into films or TV shows by including characters, dialogues and other effects. And the final output is always one that would keep the viewers on the edge of their seat from start to finish. Screen writing can be a challenging but a rewarding career. It is one that requires a lot of hardwork, dedication and persistence.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is screen writing a good career?

Yes. If you are a talented and creative writer, then taking up a career in screen writing would be great for you. However, screen writing is a career that involves a lot of dedication and hardwork.

How do I begin a career in screen writing?

To start a career in screen writing:
Master how to write screenplay
Read screen plays of others and watch the accompanying movies
Practice screenwriting regularly
Build a strong network for yourself
Build a portfolio
Prepare your resume
Search for job opportunities

Who is responsible for writing scripts for movies?

Screen writers are the ones responsible for writing scripts for movies

Who buys screenplays from screen writers?

Screenplay is being bought by producers. A producer is responsible for a film project from start to finish.

How important is screen writing?

Screen play is a very vital aspect of movie making process. It is from a well-written screen play that a movie can be produced. No screen play , no movie.


  • www. socreate. It- A 10-Step Guide- How To Become  A Screenwriter
  • https: // industrialscripts. com- Screenplay definition, the ultimate guide- Industrial scripts
  • https:// screencarft.org  –  Is Screenwriting a good career, what you need to know
  • www. careersinfilm. Com- Film & TV writing careers
  • www. indeed. com- 11 Alternative jobs for Screen writers


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